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These Systems are the Answer to the Stress You're Feeling Right Now!
Get BOTH  Best Selling Systems Resources for One Low Price - 50% OFF TODAY!!
No matter the size of your church or how long you’ve been around, every church can be more successful with improved systems. 

Volunteer Ministry, Small Groups, Discipleship, Finances…all of this can get better when you improve systems. But, you don’t have to start with a blank page. 

We’ve literally spent hundreds of hours creating resources that will help your church develop healthy systems.
The Systems Bundle Suite is a collection of our best documents and resources to help you organize your church and be more effective. 

You’ll get more than 200 documents and forms, ready to use or customize for your church. All of this in one easy download.
Normally $415 EACH, today you can take the stress out of your church for just $399 for BOTH these System resources.
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  • 1.  You don’t have to start with a blank page. You can use these documents, spreadsheets, and checklists as a template or a guide. Many churches just use them exactly as they are. Others tweak them, saving tons of time in the process.
  • 2. You will be more effective. When you have systems and processes, you will work smarter, not just harder. You’ll discover you have time to do real ministry instead of just cleaning up problems all day.
  • 3. You’ll stop stressing people out. If you think you’re stressed because of a lack of systems, your volunteers and team have it twice as bad. One of the biggest benefits of healthy systems is the positive effect it will have on your people.
With The Systems Bundle 1.0, you get five resources to help you organize your church for effectiveness.
You get…
  • Docs and Forms – 120+ ready to use or ready to customize documents that will save you time 
  • Reach – it’s all about how to do advertising and outreach right so there will be more people in church
  • Inspire – it’s all about inspiring volunteers so they love what they do. More volunteers = more ministry.
  • Next – it’s all about following up with guests, givers and new Christians. Don’t just reach people…keep people.
  • Why Nobody Reads Your Emails – a super practical eBook that will help every ministry in your church get the message through.
  • Get all FIVE resources in The Systems Bundle & Systems Bundle 2.0 for $399
What's in Systems Bundle 2.0?
Here’s what some people have said:
  • Every church planter needs to run, not walk to purchase these docs. – Chris
  • This will literally take our processes & systems to another level. – Henry
  • For someone who is not strong in these areas, this stuff is priceless. – Todd
  • Thank you for making this available. We’re about 2 years old and are having to really step up our policies and procedures, so this came at a perfect time! – Jason
Let’s dive in a little deeper into what you get with The Systems Bundle and Systems Bundle 2.0. Keep reading for a description of each individual resource.
The first resource in the Bundle is DOCS AND FORMS.

These documents have helped hundreds of churches get more organized and reach more people and there’s no need to start from scratch. 

Nearly all of the documents are editable, meaning you can customize and tweak for your church. 

These documents will help you lead your staff, organize your ministries, improve your financial systems, organize your volunteers and improve your worship services.

Administration Documents: Annual Calendar, Board of Directors, Bylaws, Calendar Request, Counseling Confidentiality Agreement, Counseling Referrals, Event Planning Checklist, Head Count Sheet, Ordination, Staff Retreat Overview, Statement of Beliefs, Travel Guidelines, Terminology, Weekend Process, Church Planting Philosophy, Church Health Report, Core Values.

Facility Documents: Closing Policies and Procedures, Facility Use and Rental Policy, Facility Use Request Form, Building Policies and Procedures, Key and Security System Acknowledgement, Wedding Policies.

Family Ministry Documents: Family Ministry Volunteer Application, Kids Volunteer Policies and Procedures, Parent Handbook, Pro-Kids Philosophy, Family Dedication Philosophy, Student Ministry Philosophy, Release Form.

Connections Documents: Baptism Monthly Checklist, Membership Philosophy and Application, Discipleship Overview, Baptism Process, Congratulatory Baptism Letter, First Time Giver Follow Up Process, First Time Guest Follow Up Process, Giver and Guest Letters, New Christian Process, Three Ways to Get Connected

Creative Arts Documents: Guest Musician Expectations, Guide to the Giving Talk with Giving Talk Ideas, Guide to the Welcome, Welcome Philosophy, Intern Responsibilities/Expectations, Series Graphic Needs, Series Launch Checklist, Series Planning Checklist, Style Guide, Service Planning Philosophy, Weekend Master Schedule, Worship Leader/Musician Expectations.

Financial Documents: Benevolence Policy, Budgeting Process, Chart of Accounts, Finance Team Job Description, Housing Allowance for Pastors, Offering Count Sheets, Purchase Order Worksheet, Reimbursement Form, Spending Procedures, Budget Philosophy

Staff Documents: 6-Month Evaluation, 360 Degree Evaluation, Blank Housing Allowance Form, Confidentiality Agreement, Employee Handbook, Employee Handbook Agreement, Employment Application, Firing Process, Hiring Process, Interview Questions, Monthly Staff Evaluation, New Hire Checklist, Prospective Employee Screening, Resignation Agreement, Social Media Policy, Staff Job Descriptions, Leadership Development Plan, Staff Leave Request Form, Organizational Chart, Termination Agreement, Org Chart 

Volunteer Documents: Guest Services Handbook, Huddle Guide, Volunteer Lanyards, Parking Handbook, Parking Map, Security Policies and Procedures, Volunteer Job Descriptions, Volunteer Team Organizational Structure, Small Group Handbook

The second resource in the bundle is INSPIRE.

This will help engage and inspire your volunteers. The church is a volunteer organization and you depend on volunteers to make ministry happen. 

No matter the size of your church, you can’t hire staff to lead everything. You MUST find, train and keep volunteers to lead and do ministry. But this can be one of the most difficult tasks in leadership.
This resource is packed with ideas and strategies to engage and inspire volunteers to serve and lead. You’ll walk away with great ideas and simple systems ready to plug into your church right now.

This resource includes: 
  • A 15-page eBook in PDF format
  • A one-hour audio seminar
  • Related Documents and Forms that you can customize for your church
In this eBook and seminar, you’ll learn: 
  • How training volunteers is really about discipleship
  • How to make volunteer development a key aspect of every staff position
  • The six reasons people will volunteer at your church
  • Six ways to get more volunteers
  • Ideas to keep volunteer opportunities before your church all the time
  • How to create a farm system so you’ll always have a pool of people for leadership positions
  • How to quickly connect new people
  • How lowering the bar can help
  • The crucial thing every volunteer needs from their “supervisor”
  • How to push training opportunities to your people without busying them up with meetings
  • Ideas for appreciating your volunteers so they stay involved
  • How to keep your volunteers informed
  • How one event can revolutionize your volunteer force
In addition to this content, you’ll also receive editable versions of the following documents:
  • Volunteer job descriptions for volunteer roles in your church
  • Sample membership update
  • Family ministry volunteer application
  • Three sermons on volunteering and involvement
  • Volunteer Worship musician expectations
  • Original PSD files of volunteer sign up cards
Those are just two of the resources included in The Systems Bundle 1.0. When you go for The Systems Bundle Suite, you’ll actually get a total of 10 system resources. Order The Systems Bundle Suite right here.
The third resource in the bundle is NEXT.

This will help you follow up with guests, givers and new Christians. Connecting people quickly is one of the most important things you can do to foster long term engagement. 

So when people visit your church, make a donation for the first time or decide to follow Jesus, it’s important to take action quick. 

This resource will give you practical help on how to follow up with these three important decisions.

This resource includes: 
  • A 14-page e-book in PDF format
  • A one-hour audio seminar
  • Related Documents and Forms that you can customize for your church.
In this E-book and seminar, you’ll learn: 
  • How to create automatic systems that help close the back door
  • How to create a guest friendly environment at your church
  • How to welcome guests to your church
  • How giving a specific gift can help you obtain guest information and make guests feel welcome
  • How to use a connection card or communication card in your service
  • How to preach to guests and believers at the same time
  • What to do after someone visits to help ensure they return
  • How to follow up with first time givers so they become second time givers
  • How to increase giving to your church by making one change in your communication
  • What to say at the end of services to help those who prayed to receive Christ to tell someone about their decision
  • How to connect new Christians quickly
In addition to this content, you’ll also receive editable versions of the following documents:
  • Written follow up processes
  • MP3 of New Christian CD
  • Second time giver lever
  • Pre/Post service playlist philosophy
  • Official Guide to the Welcome
  • Now What – a 4-page document for new Christians
  • New Christian letter and email
  • Guest Services training manual
  • Six month guest letter
  • Four week guest letter
  • Baptism letter
  • Baptism Checklist
  • Sample connection cards
  • Guest tube template
The fourth resource in the bundle is REACH.

This will help you grow your church through advertising and outreach. 

 If you’re interested in sharing the gospel with as many people as possible, this practical resource will help you.

This resource includes: 
  • A 14 page e-book in PDF format
  • Related Documents and Forms that you can customize for your church
In this E-book and seminar, you’ll learn:
  • Seven reasons people aren’t showing up to your church
  • How advertising can be a form of outreach
  • How to balance the “go and tell” and the “come and see” parts of Scripture
  • How to save money on advertising
  • How to focus your advertising to get better results
  • How to equip your people to invite
  • How to have an Easter-like Sunday on an average weekend
  • Four things that get noticed in church advertising
  • How to make the most out of direct mail
  • Ten outreach and advertising ideas you can use right away
In addition to this content, you’ll also receive editable versions of the following documents:
  • 40 Ways people and groups in your church can spread the word
  • Sample connection Card
  • Original files for the Chuck Norris advertising campaign (explained in the ebook)
  • Original files for the Rumors advertising campaign (explained in the ebook)
  • PSD versions of invite card
  • Two sample press releases
  • Four sample congregational surveys
  • Three complete sermons on evangelism and inviting
The fifth resource in the bundle is WHY NOBODY

This resource will help you communicate with your people through one of the best methods available. You can write update emails that connect and communicate. 

You can use this popular, but misunderstood technology to speak to your church in a meaningful way.

In this resource, we will show you:

  • How you’re writing to the wrong people
  • How to get people to take action
  • How much information to give people
  • How to write a good email subject
  • When you should send an email
  • How many emails you should send
The Systems Bundle Suite
Systems Bundle 2.0 includes 5 individual systems with over 48 brand new documents. It is designed to help you better invest in and increase the impact of your congregation, staff, giving, and volunteers..
  • The Small Group System - One of the most important places your people can experience spiritual growth is beyond the seats of your church on Sunday mornings; it’s sitting in a living room with their small group. Small groups are key to connecting your people together and spurring them on to spiritual growth in a tight knit community. We believe so strongly in the impact small groups can have on your people that we’ve created an entire system designed specifically to help you launch a brand new small group ministry or increase the impact of the one you already have.
  • Staff Development System  - We all know that no church can see growth and impact without a strong team to lead the way. This is why it’s imperative for church leaders to constantly spend time pouring into and developing a healthy staff. This resource is packed full of documents and information created to help you intentionally lead, grow, and manage your staff.
  • Volunteer Recruitment & Development System  - While your church staff may be incredible, they simply can’t do it all—and that’s where volunteers come in! Volunteers are crucial to making the ministry of your church happen every week. That’s why recruiting new volunteers and keeping the volunteers you already have is imperative for your ministry.  This kit is full of resources to help you not only find and train new volunteers but also invest in and hold onto the ones you already have. 
  • Offering Time System - Giving is one of the most crucial elements of your church’s growth. But if you were being honest, you’d probably say it’s also one of the most difficult to navigate. This resource will not only help alleviate some of the challenges in developing an offering service, but also provide you with creative content to inspire giving in your congregation. 
  • Pastoral Care & Counseling System - Your churches are made up of a variety of people who each have a variety of needs, hurts, and concerns that need to be addressed. Providing care and counseling to your people is one of the most vital parts of pastoring a church. Because the spiritual and emotional health of the individuals in your congregation is so important, we designed this resource to walk with you through the process of helping your people heal.
  • 1. You will see better results if you fix the system. Many of the problems you face are systems problems, not people problems. You can blame a person, but a good person in a bad system will produce mediocre results.
  • 2. You will save money. There’s a very real, tangible benefit to getting yourself organized – you’ll save real money. How much money is wasted because of poor planning? Rush jobs, overnight shipping, and high premiums can be avoided with some extra time that healthy systems will give you.
  • 3. Systems allow volunteers to function at a higher level. If you create a good framework around your people, you’ll see them soar to a higher level. Too many times, we make the mistake of handing something broken and ineffective to a volunteer in the hopes that they can fix it. But nobody wants to jump on a sinking ship. Create a good system, THEN volunteers can thrive.
The Systems Bundle Suite
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